Well...hello there!

It is so nice to meet all of you. I am Amy, and my counter part in this endeavor is Christi. We are just 2 friends from New Jersey who have a passion for the paranormal and decided that we should start our own group. That is how Devil's Hour Paranormal began.

Let's take it way back, and talk about what got us in to the paranormal and how we ended up here.

My paranormal journey began one evening (after a few beers) when my friend and I were watching an episode of Ghost Adventures. We were watching the Waverly Hills Sanitorium episode, and both said hey that could be fun. Fast forward a week or two, and we had booked an evening at Waverly. Now, mind you, Kentucky is a bit far from New Jersey...and we realized quickly that flights were not cheap. We decided we would turn it in to a road trip. Fast forward a few months, and we set off on our journey. Now...I had little to no experience prior to this. My equipment consisted of a video camera, digital camera, and voice recorder. Obviously,  I was super prepared for this trip.
The whole night was pretty awesome. I did not like the fact that when you go in to Waverly, you are going in with a group of 30-50 people. I found it hard to decipher between what was paranormal,and what was just the fact that there were that many other people in the building. They did do a good job of splitting everyone up. They put you in to groups of 5-10 (we had a group of 5) and split you up so each group got their own floor for an hour or so. It worked out better that way.
We heard some things, felt some things, but I think the most memorable was when we all saw the same thing. We were on the 1st floor at this point, sitting in what would have been a cafeteria area. My friend was out in the hallway looking around, and I was sitting down on the floor with his girlfriend and the 2 other people we were with. At the same time we all went, "WOAH". We did not want anyone to feed off of anyone else's response...so we all counted to 3 and said what we thought that we saw. And in similar descriptions, we all saw a man in a wheelchair go between the 2 doors we were facing. It was one of my first experiences with the paranormal.

Since then, I have had many awesome investigations...and maybe one minor possession. I have made some awesome friends along the way.

That's where Christi comes in. Now, if you know us at all, it is hard to believe that we thought we hated each other at one point in our lives. Actually, it was a majority of our lives. It wasn't until 4ish years ago that we realized we didn't. But...I would have to say that we have made up for it big time. We have lived so much in these last few years that I think we had made up for what we missed out all of those years we thought we hated each other.

It wasn't long after we became friends that we realized we were both in to the paranormal. I had a few investigations under my belt at this point, but Christi didn't. And she only didn't because the one mutual friend we had who was in to this stuff would bring me on the investigations, so that meant that she could not come...because ya know....we hated each other.
Christi has a pretty awesome story of what really pushed her in to the paranormal, but I am going to let her tell you that in the next post.
The first place that she really investigation was a place called Letchworth Village in New York. Intense place. We have had some crazy experiences. We will touch on those nights in another blog post. Don't want to shoot the whole load in one shot.

Fast forward all of these years of friendship, and we have started our own paranormal group. Devil's Hour Paranormal.
We talked about it for a very long time, and finally just said fuck it let's do it.
A few months after starting the group, we began having our own podcast, The Devil's Hour on FullSpectrumRadio. I think we have more fun with it than anything else...but hey, that's all that matters.

I look forward to seeing what the future has to bring for us.
I look forward to sharing more with you all in future posts.

Look out for the next one...which will give you a little insight in to how Christi got started in the paranormal.

Until then...Happy Hunting.

